Submission site

Instructions for authors

Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts (in pdf format) written in English by the deadline via the conference online submission system (see conference website). All submissions will be peer-reviewed by experts in the field based on originality, significance, quality and clarity. All contributions must be original, must not have been published elsewhere, and must not have been submitted elsewhere during the review period. Papers must not exceed 12 pages (including references) and must comply with the format of Springer LNCS/LNAI Proceedings (see 

Short papers

To encourage emerging results and novel initial developments, especially from PhD students and young researchers, we accept short papers (within 6 LNCS pages, including references). Such papers will also go through our rigorous peer-review process for their novelty and soundness with a quicker turn-around time. Although short papers are mainly for the main track, they can be submitted to any relevant Special Session too (information will be available). The submission system will treat any paper within 6 pages as short papers and PC chairs will ensure a speedy review of them.

Copyright form

Copyright form for the license to publish proceedings papers. Download the form by clicking the button below.