
Context: This proposal is part of the European Erasmus+ project AIM@VET (Artificial Intelligence Modules for Vocational Education and Training), now in its third year. Our project focuses on developing AI curricula specifically designed for vocational education centers. However, recognizing the broader relevance and potential for wider impact, this special session aims to include contributions related to the development of AI curricula for all pre-university education settings.


  • Present experiences and methodologies in developing AI curricula for pre-university education.
  • Discuss lessons learned and best practices in the implementation of these curricula.
  • Disseminate the results of the AIM@VET project to date and increase its impact.
  • Explore various AI domains applied in education, such as robotics, computer vision, ambient intelligence, and more.

For more information about our project and its objectives, please visit our website at AIM@VET Project Website.


  • Design and development of AI curricula for vocational education.
  • Pedagogical strategies for teaching AI at pre-university levels.
  • Case studies and outcomes of implementing AI modules in vocational training and other pre-university settings.
  • Tools and platforms used in AI education.
  • Evaluation and impact analysis of AI curricula in pre-university education.
  • Integration of AI into existing curricula.
  • Teacher training for AI education.
  • Student engagement and motivation in AI courses.
  • Other topics that may be relevant to the objectives of the session.


Abraham Prieto García (Universidade da Coruña)
Paulo Novais (Universidade do Minho)
Dalila Duraes (Universidade do Minho)
Peter Peer (University of Ljubljana)
Žiga Emeršič (University of Ljubljana)


See submission instructions for the conference at https://ideal2024.webs.upv.es/submission/

Special Session Papers Submission Deadline: July 26, 2024